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Sweat vary from person to person, regardless of the season.

In summer, in particular, armpit sweat (axillary hyperhidrosis) can be a concern for many people, both aesthetically and practically. However, the solution is simpler than you might think.


Which is better: surgery, laser treatment, or hyperhidrosis injections (armpit Botox)?

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There are various treatment options for axillary hyperhidrosis and bromhidrosis (body odor).

  • Surgery for bromhidrosis involves removing sweat glands in the armpit using an endoscope. This method offers permanent results in a single session but comes with high costs and the risk of scarring, as it is an invasive procedure.


About "MiraDry," a popular laser treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis


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Other hyperhidrosis treatments involve sweat gland laser therapy. While these treatments are simple, they lack significant advantages in terms of effectiveness or durability, so we do not recommend them.

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My recommendation: Hyperhidrosis injections, also known as armpit Botox


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According to studies, this method has been proven safe and effective not only for adults but also for adolescents.

The results typically last 2–3 months with a single session (we recommend two sessions, one month apart).

Compared to permanent surgery or the cost-ineffective results of hyperhidrosis laser treatments, armpit injections with Botox are a practical and effective solution, even if not permanent.

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Treatment algorithm recommended by medical societies

The following steps are suggested for treating axillary hyperhidrosis:

  1. Start with topical solutions like deodorants for areas with excessive sweating.
  2. If home care doesn’t yield results, consider "skin Botox," injecting a total of 100 units into both armpits.
  3. If the condition persists, medications that suppress sweat production or surgical options can be explored.

(Note: Axillary laser treatments are not the top recommendation by medical societies.)


Key points for effective treatment


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The armpit contains two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands.

  • The apocrine glands are responsible for body odor and are located deeper in the skin layers alongside blood vessels, which can make bruising more likely after treatment.

The critical factors for treatment are injection depth and Botox dosage.

  • Since the injection targets a layer shallower than the muscle, there is a risk of developing resistance to Botox. This is why we recommend using Botox with low resistance.


3 Key Takeaways

  1. Resolving common concerns like armpit sweat and odor is easier than you might think.
  2. Among surgery, laser, and Botox injections, armpit Botox is recommended for its cost-effectiveness, safety, and efficacy.
  3. Since this involves injecting into a shallow, vascular layer, Botox with low resistance is strongly advised.

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